“Okay! My name. Sandy.
Here’s what I brought today. It’s a vintage Easy Rider motorcycle helmet. I love motorcycles, I race motorcycles, I grew up on motorcycles. I’ve been a gear head all my life.
I always loved Easy Rider. One of my greatest memories of coming of age was seeing this movie. It was amazing.
I found this magazine ad for a place called Justified Defiance. They found all the old styles- a whole warehouse full of them. They kept just the shells, restored them and the brought them back to life.
I had to have it.
When I’m not using it, it sits on the shelf in my house.
You know, it’s a great piece. It’s Americana man!”
Coincidentally, right after this was photographed there was news of Dennis Hopper’s passing. Hopper had directed and starred in this cinematic symbol of the 1960s.