“My name’s Mary.
The story with the headbands is that two and half years ago I lost 150 pounds and one of the side effects of that is that you lose your hair. I had this really long curly hair that was always sort of my signature thing.
When my hair started to get thin, I was trying to figure out how to put some kind of look together.
I found my solution in the form of a headband from a place in Napa Valley called ‘Cookie & the Dude.’
After that I was always in search of headbands anywhere I traveled. People even started giving me headbands, not always the best headbands, but they would give them to me as gifts because they saw it as my obsession.
But it really wasn’t. It was simply about creating a style while I was going through this major transition in my life.”
About year ago the original headband snapped in half right at the top. Mary still has it and says it’s a good reminder of what she has gone through and how it helped her out.